Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quote of the Month

"Few things are harder to do than to confront the violent forces of injustice the way Jesus taught--with love and faith, perseverance and strength, hope and humility.  This is the authentic transformation that earns a hearing from a tired, suspicious and wounded world: a band of believers who move out from behind "doors locked for fear" (John 20:19) and proceed by courageous love to become "these people who have been turning the world upside down" (Acts 17:6)."
                     --Gary Haugen, President of International Justice Mission, from his book Just Courage

Friday, February 17, 2012

Worth the Wait

It's funny when the heaviness of the wait hits you.  Jamey and I were watching the 4 year olds in kids church this past Sunday and I walked in to the large group meeting.  There was a little boy from Africa in the room, and as soon as I layed eyes on him I immediately and unexpectedly became overwhelmed with emotion.  I couldn't stop thinking about Lincoln and holding him and how much I longed to have him back in my arms.  This process gets long and challenging, but God is faithful and our sweet boy is worth every moment of the wait.

We recently found out that our case was submitted to the US Embassy this past Wednesday.  We were a bit bummed to find out that this means another 6-8 weeks of waiting before we're able to head back to Ethiopia to bring Lincoln home.  This time frame is only if there aren't any problems.  If there are, it'll take longer.  Please pray for patience for us as we wait, and for everything to go smoothly so we aren't delayed--a delay could mean that I would be too far along in my pregnancy to travel back with Jamey which would be very hard for me.

"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail. 
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness."
--Lamentations 3:23

Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's a Boy!!

The gender of our surprise baby has been revealed.  It's a boy!  He's due to arrive in June of this year.  The same month as Lincoln's birthday, so they'll be about a year apart exactly.  Praying that these two are the greatest of friends.