Thursday, June 30, 2011

May God Bless You

Fransiscan Benediction
May God bless you with discomfort
at easy answers, half truths, and superficial relationships
so that you may live deep within your heart

May God bless you with anger
at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people
so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace

May God bless you with tears
to shed for those who suffer pain, rejection, hunger and war
so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and
to turn their pain into joy

And may God bless you with enough foolishness
to believe that you can make a difference in the world
so that you can do what others claim cannot be done
to bring justice and kindness to all our children and the poor.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

While We Wait: Nesting (and other Pregnancy Parallels)

I'm nesting.  Big time.  In fact, I feel like this summer is a time to really get my act together so that I'm completely prepared for what's ahead.  If that's even possible.  I've been reading this great book about making a family mission statement, clearing the clutter out of your home, and spending your time and money better.  "Living holistically with your life's purpose", as the author calls it. 

Sounds nice, doesn't it?  This book has brought up a lot of great conversation between my husband and I.  We've asked ourselves things like: what is our purpose as a family? what would people say about our family as a whole? what would we like them to say in 30 years? when are we at our worst?  when are we at our best? what we could do better? and what is the main purpose of our home? 

It's been good and hard to reflect on these things.  Good because it gets me focused and excited for what's ahead, and hard because I have to admit my downfalls and be reminded that I'm not exactly where I want to be.  I praise God for His patience with me!

I'm hoping that this mission statement does what it's supposed to do and helps us to better stay focused in a world filled with distractions.

I've also ordered one of my favorite child-rearing books and am determined to become more pro-active in my parenting.  Of course, as usual, I'll read as much of it as I can to my husband. :)

Also, I'm eagerly, joyously awaiting a phone call from our adoption agency to let us know that they have our referral.  We could get the call any day now, or it could be another couple of months.  I find myself sometimes running to the phone when it rings during the day.  The last month of my pregnancy with each of our girls was kind of like this--wondering daily if it would be the day that something would happen.  How my heart longs to lay eyes on our little one!

However, this time around, I'm praising God that I don't have morning sickness or swollen ankles.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

147 Million Orphans Fundraising Gear

We have partnered with 147 Million Orphans to sell fundraising gear that has 3 great purposes: 

1) To bring awareness to the fact that there are approximately 147 million orphans worldwide.
By wearing the gear, people are reminded of the fact that there are over 147 million orphaned children in the world today.
2) To provide food, water and medicine to children in need.
The profits that the 147 Million Orphans organization receives are used to provide for the basic needs of orphaned children.
3) To help our adoption fund. 
147 million orphans allows adoptive families to buy their gear for part of the cost and sell it at their retail value in order to make money to put toward their adoption.

Check out the gear and let us know if you'd like to purchase one of these great items:

               Women's Cream/Black Baseball Tee $34.95

Women's Black/Cream Baseball Tee $34.95

Men's Brown T-Shirt $19.95

Kid's Mint Green T-Shirt $19.95

Silicone Cuff $9.95

Magazine Bead Necklace $19.95 (Handmade by women in Uganda)

We have limited quantities available of each item pictured.  We are also able to order more merchandise if anyone is interested.  Also, if there is an item pictured on the 147 Million Orphans website that you like but don't see here, let me know and I can see if it is available for adoptive families to purchase for fundraising.  Please let me know if you are interested in any of these items by leaving a comment, emailing or calling me. 

We still have between $10,000-$15,000 to raise, and every penny helps us get closer to reaching our goal!  Thank you so much for taking the time to look and consider!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Today I honor the man that I love. 

What would we do without this hard working, deep thinking, God fearing, love giving, knee bending, sensitive soul that makes us laugh, comforts us when we're down, provides for our needs, and leads us in love as we seek more of Him?

Daily, I watch the children I dreamed of having since I was a young girl be loved by the man that I dreamed of having since I was a young girl. 

There's too much that I take for granted.  I am blessed.

  Happy Father's Day to our hero!  We love you SO much!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Book Recommendation


I recently read Unplanned by Abby Johnson, a former pro-choice employee of Planned Parenthood turned pro-life member of Coalition for Life.  I highly recommend this book! 
The official Unplanned website says this about the book:
Unplanned is a heart-stopping personal drama of life-and-death encounters, a courtroom battle, and spiritual transformation that speaks hope and compassion into the political controversy that surrounds this complex issue. Telling Abby’s story from both sides of the abortion clinic property line, this book is a must-read…

There is also a documentary out on DVD about Abby's story.  View the trailer: