Tuesday, March 29, 2011

God is Good All the Time

God is good.

When I don't know what to make of all that's going on around me, this I know to be true. 

What a month it's been.  I haven't written in awhile because I'm still making sense of it.  I'm trying to make sense of why Ethiopia decided to cut back on the number of adoptions they're processing right after we submitted our Dossier.  I'm working to understand why the government made the decision to cut the salaries of teachers right after we felt called to empty our savings accounts to submit our Dossier.  I'm wondering why the girlies have been sick for most of it, my hubs has been sick for a chunk of it, and I've had my moments of sickenss and feeling worn down while taking care of them.  I had to process for awhile why after touring and loving the school I wanted to send my daughter to we found out that she's DEAD LAST on the waiting list to get in.  Then I had to roll with the flow when Spring decided it was going to tease us then turn to winter again for another couple of weeks. 

Sometimes it feels as if life is hitting you from all angles.

Through it all though, God has been SO good.  I've had unexpected moments of joy.  There have been unexpected means of provision, affirmation and encouragement.  And God is using the adversity to change our hearts to be more like His.  What a gift.

I'm so glad I serve a God who loves me enough to not always give me exactly what I want when I want it, and whose plans are so much greater than mine.

I was laying in bed recently processing everything that's been on my heart, and a verse popped into my mind that I hadn't thought about or read in awhile.  Perhaps a deposit from the Holy Spirit?:
I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.  --Phillipians 3:8

"Everything a loss"?  Wow.  Even my husband?  My children? My family and friends?  My comfort? My plans for my life?  
I'm scared of what I'll have to go through in order to utter these words and mean them wholeheartedly.  For now I pray that he uses these "trials of many kinds" to help get me there.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In Awe of this Family

I have come across this family a few times as I've researched adoption and also in my blogging endeavors.  I'm in awe of them.  I'm not saying that everyone should have 13 kids, but imagine what it would look like if solid Christian families opened themselves up to the possibility that God may want them to adopt, and then in obedience went for it!  Also, what they're doing to break down the stigmas associated with HIV/AIDS is amazing.  Watch them featured recently on the Today Show and be inspired:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


We received two pieces of news yesterday form our adoption agency, one good and one not so good.

The not so good news is that  "Effective March 10, 2010 MOWA’s reduction in the number of cases heard did go into effect.  The State Department is still unsure how this will affect the process.  Monday the U.S. Embassy will meet with MOWA to discuss a possible solution and how the details of how this change will affect cases in process.   The State Department indicated that many Governmental and Non-Governmental Groups have proposed offers to provide MOWA with resources needed to continue operating at their usual pace.   MOWA’s needs are still unclear and a resolution has not yet been met."

As of right now, we don't know what all this means for our adoption.  We're continuing to pray that this ends up just being a little blurp in our adoption journey (and the journey of so many families in process to adopt from Ethiopia!), and that a resolution is found that will protect these children without keeping them from forever families.

The good news is that our Dossier has made all the stops that it needed to make in the US and is currently on its way to Ethiopia.  It's always nice to hear that things are progressing!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Third Day Adoption Song

Check out the music video for Third Day's new song about earthly and spiritual adoption called "Children of God".  Looks like Mac Powell is rockin' the Jesus look. :)  Awesome to see Chrisitan bands bringing awareness to adoption!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pending Reduction of Intercountry Adoption in Ethiopia

The following is a statement released by the Joint Council regarding the pending reduction of intercountry adoption in Ethiopia.  Please pray for this situation and the thousands of lives that'll be affected. 

We praise God for His faithfulness and sovereignty--we know He's working in the midst of this!

You can sign a petition at:

Statement on the Pending Reduction of Intercountry Adoption in Ethiopia

Last week the Ethiopian Ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs announced their intention to reduce intercountry adoptions by 90% beginning March 10, 2011.  The Ministry’s plan for a dramatic reduction is apparently based on two primary issues; 1) the assumption that corruption in intercountry adoption is systemic and rampant and 2) the Ministry’s resources should be focused on the children for whom intercountry adoption is not an option.  Without further announcements by the Government of Ethiopia, it is our understanding that the Ministry’s plan will be initiated this week.
The Ministry’s plan is a tragic, unnecessary and disproportionate reaction to concerns of isolated abuses in the adoption process and fails to reflect the overwhelmingly positive, ethical and legal services provided to children and families through intercountry adoption.  Rather than eliminate the right of Ethiopian children to a permanent family, we encourage the Ministry to accept the partnerships offered by governments, NGOs, and foundations.  Such partnerships could increase the Ministry’s capacity to regulate service providers and further ensure ethical adoptions.
The Ministry’s plan which calls for the processing of only five adoption cases per work day, will result not only in systemic and lasting damage to a large sector of social services, but will have an immediate impact on the lives and futures of children.  Moving from over 4,000 adoptions per year to less than 500 will result in thousands of children languishing in under-regulated and poorly resourced institutions for years.  For those children who are currently institutionalized and legally available for adoption, the Ministry’s plan will increase their time languishing in institutions for up to 7-years.
Joint Council respectfully urges the Ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs to reconsider their plan and to partner with governments, NGOs and foundations to achieve their goals and avoid the coming tragedy for children and families.
In addition to this formal statement,we are also preparing a large scale advocacy, education and awareness campaign, which will launch later this week.  We will post details here, so please check back for the launch of this urgent and important campaign.
We hope you will join us in advocating for the continuation of intercountry adoption in Ethiopia.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Inspirational Family

I am so inspired by families like this.  I first viewed this video over a month ago, and have thought about this family and their story a lot since then.  What a neat example of James 1:27 lived out.